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Procedure to open a bank account for the company

Step 1

Choose a bank to open an account:

Companies and businesses should choose a bank that is located close to the company’s headquarters and has many branches to facilitate transaction activities.

Step 2

Prepare documents and documents to open a bank account

The basic required documents that businesses need to prepare to open a bank account include:

  • An application form for registration of opening an account according to the form of each bank initially selected by the enterprise.
  • 01 Notarized copy of the business registration license of the enterprise.
  • 01 Notarized copy of valid ID/CCCD/Passport of the legal representative.
  • 01 Notarized copy of seal sample registration certificate.

Step 3

Submit account opening documents to the registered bank

After preparing all the necessary documents to open a bank account for the company, the representative of the business will bring the dossier and the company’s seal to the bank. Here, the business side will continue to follow the instructions of the staff.

Step 4

Complete the registration procedure at the bank

Businesses will receive a bank account number that they register. After that, the company is required to make a deposit in the bank account. This amount is regulated by different banks (usually 1 million VND).

 Notify the bank account to the Department of Planning and Investment

After being granted a bank account, businesses need to notify this account number to the Department of Planning and Investment. Details and procedures are as follows:


  • Notice of change of business registration contents.
  • Notarized copies of the following papers: Tax registration certificate; A written request for supplement and update of business registration information; Investment certificates; Investment license or other papers of equivalent legal validity.

Procedure for carrying out the procedure

There are two ways for a company/enterprise to notify the registered bank account number to the Department of Planning and Investment. That is:

  • The company/enterprise or an authorized representative shall submit the application directly at the Business Registration Office.
  • Enterprises conduct online registration on the National Business Registration Portal according to the website: n .

Within 03 working days from the date of receipt of complete and valid dossiers, the Business Registration Office will make changes to the business registration contents for the company/enterprise.

In case the business has demand, the Business Registration Office will issue a certificate of change of content in the business registration to the company/enterprise. At this point, the registration for opening a bank account for the newly established company/enterprise and the additional registration of a bank account for the State management agency has been completed.